Monday, February 20, 2012

A few details

Does anyone else think that popular culture is weird for tracking the progress of a pregnancy by comparing a baby to various fruits and vegetables? Apparently right now, our little one is somewhere between a honeydew melon and an crenshaw melon. I had never even heard of a crenshaw melon until just barely. . .Okay, but really, I know that details like baby/fruit comparison are not what you want to read about, but these details are are---

Yes, we know what we're having. And no, we haven't been telling everyone. Why? Because I'm not a pink/blue kind of girl. But you know what? You people are my friends. And I feel like I can trust you. I worry about what might transpire at my baby shower, but with you, I trust this information-- we're having a little boy. And soon. He will be most likely making his appearance before the end of next month. And that doesn't give us a lot of time to finish making up his room. But that's okay. We're planning on keeping him within arm's reach for the first bit, anyway. I mean, I really don't see myself making it down the hallway and gracefully stepping over a dog-gate for middle-of-the-night feedings. So once the room actually starts coming together I'll start sharing photos. I am really excited about it, though. We already have the crib and a dresser and colors picked out and some of his bedding and decorations... I have had more fun with putting all of that together than I ever expected.

What else? Oh, the name. Yes, everyone asks me about that one. And I know it is a big deal and all, but nope. We don't have a name picked out yet. And we're coming down to the wire. But I'm okay with that. We have a good solid five or six names that we feel okay about, but there isn't one that just stands out as his yet. And in case you're wondering, if you have any brilliant ideas, please go ahead and share them. I'm still open to suggestions.

Some other details:

1. Physical stuff: Overall I feel like I can't complain. My pregnancy hasn't been as rough as some that I hear about. I did have morning sickness that lasted all day, but it was just bad enough to make me wish I'd vomit most of the time. I actually only threw up once of twice. And you know what I think is super weird? The fact that the more I could make myself eat, the less nausea I experienced. I mean, how does that make any sense? I feel like I want to throw up and the cure is to eat? Right, because that's easy to make yourself do when everything you look at makes you feel queasy. But somehow I prevailed and have made it through the worst of it. I'd say that the hardest part of pregnancy for me has been how tired it has made me from time to time. There are so many things that I want to do, but sometimes I just have to accept that I have limitations. Certain hikes will take longer, others will just not happen until I can take the baby in an Ergo or something. Likewise things like house-cleaning, quilting, and crafting sometimes take longer or are put on the back-burner.

2. Cravings/Food: Nothing too crazy. Jon kept waiting for odd food combinations, but I kept it pretty normal. Sadly, I lost any desire to eat Thai food and I still can't really make myself eat pizza normally (I've only been able to eat it twice). Also, Jon's favorite frozen yogurt place, Menchie's is completely out of the question. The first time I ate it during my first trimester I got physically ill. I tried again more recently, and while there was no violent reaction, I just couldn't eat it. I can't say that it tasted disgusting, but it just really wasn't doing anything for me. So we've found a compromise. Nielsen's Frozen Custard. I think the baby just likes calories. Menchie's, with their fat-free and sugar-free options wasn't real enough for our little one. Baby likes fat and sugar and hot fudge. The only real cravings I have had are-- burgers and red meat in abundance for a two-week span, lots of salads, and about two months of eggs for breakfast. Way back when, I took a class at BYU called Intuitive Eating. It was based on a text by that name, as well as a bunch of research. I feel like that's really what eating while pregnant is all about. I learn to listen to my body and feed it what it really needs, or in this case, what the baby and I both really need. And I have to say that it has been a good mix of things, including some tasty treats. :)

3. Emotions: While before getting pregnant I thought that pregnancy would include a wild roller-coaster of emotions, I have to say that I have been pleasantly surprised. If anything, pregnancy has made me more centered. I feel calm and at peace about many more things, and yet I find that I am happier and just so excited about meeting this new person. This is not to say that I don't also cry during dumb movies or even the occasional radio commercial, because that still happens, too... But for the most part, life has just taken on so many more wonderful things for me that I can honestly say that I've experienced a shift in prospective, in a good way.

Wearing one of the three tops that still covers, and just barely... 
Jon's new hair cut. And he's smiling!
Anything else that anyone is dying to know? Let me know. Otherwise, the next post will probably be more about our baby/plans for once he's here. Oh, and there will probably be a few more photos. :)


  1. I don't get crazy cravings either. Same as you with, some things I just can't eat. But I do crave some things...first trimester couldn't get enough Cafe Rio or bagels and cream cheese. So excited for the little man to make his appearance. I would just wait until he comes and go through those solid choices and see which one fits. So excited for you and Jon!

    1. Ah yes, Cafe Rio! I've asked Jon to come home with Cafe Rio more in the last 8 months than ever before... that pork salad really hits the spot for me. :)
      I also can't wait until we have a name picked out for him. Right now we keep switching between a couple of the choices or we just call him our little one or "baby"... but knowing what his name will be for sure is going to be great. :)

    2. WE've never had the name picked out beforehand. We have our list of 5 or 6, but it's usually right before we leave the hospital with the baby before it's decided.

  2. That is so exciting! Boys are fun! Boy names for us have been really hard though, that's probably why we keep having boys... We can easily pick out and agree on an abundance of girl names. Haha!

  3. Ugh, I had to make this in two posts because my iPad is weird... Anyway, so, did you stay home and not go anywhere for 8 mos in order to keep this secret?! I'm assuming no... Just a secret from the world wide web? Well, you look beautiful and Jon's hair looks great. Congrats to both of you on baby melon boy ;) can't wait to meet him! I think we are coming down in march. If you haven't had him yet maybe we can do lunch (even if that means I bring it to you). I'll text you when I know when we're coming! Good luck friend!

    1. Ashlie, Jon and I were in the same boat. Before we ever knew what our little one was, we started coming up with names and name combinations. We were on the road to California and we came up with a full page of girl names that we were very fond of, but only a few names on the boy side of the list, and none of them really stood out to us.... Which makes me think that we'll probably have another boy after this. :)
      Thanks for the compliments, and I'd love to see you again. This baby isn't due out until the end of March, so I think we should be able to work something out. Even if I have to have your help getting in and out of my car. :)

  4. Congratulations! You look wonderful!

  5. Janel, I'm so happy for you two! And you look so great! Boys are super fun, albeit a little crazy at times. We had a really hard time coming up with boys names too. You'll figure it out - maybe not until you see him and see what fits. I'm glad your pregnancy hasn't been bad. Morning sickness is the worst. I didn't figure out until midway through my second pregnancy that as long as I got plenty of protein first thing in the morning, the morning (all day) sickness wasn't too bad. I still had to take anti-nausea medicines with all three pregnancies though. I hope I get to meet your little guy someday!

  6. Congratulations! That will be so much fun to have a little boy to share your adventures with! p.s. you look fantastic!
